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# Thema - 28.04.2010 um 00:25 Uhr
I just downloaded the latest version of ClanSphere, and I was wondering if I can use modules that are listed for older versions or if I can only use modules that are designed for the version that I have?

Thanks in advance!

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hajo ClanSphere Team

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Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 1 - 28.04.2010 um 00:39 Uhr
modules designed to work with 2009.x should run with any version of clansphere 2009.0.0 or newer since there were no big changes to system functions. the current svn trunk is working well with those modules, too.

on the other hand modules for clansphere 2008.x and older versions can show weird behavior and contain errors in some cases. it may be possibile to get them working as intended with a bunch of fixes / changes.

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