
Probiere ClanSphere aus und teste daran herum. Demo

Requirements [English]

ClanSphere needs the following software running on your webspace. Attached versions are the ones that at least work. Using newer versions should work the same or even better.

Possible Webservers

Apache 2.0 (with mod_rewrite for more readable URLs)
Microsoft IIS 7.0 (with URL Rewrite Module 2 for more readable URLs)

Other Webservers like e.g. Lighttpd are also possible, but may lack support for more readable URLs

Programming language

PHP 5.0 (gd extension for graphics required)

Possible Databases

Microsoft SQL Server 2005
MySQL 4.0 (mysqli support included)
PostgreSQL 8.1
SQLite 3.0 (please only use this for websites with a low amount of visitors due to its performance)

Local testing environment

We recommend the Zend Server for such use cases