Project [English] |
This Project is focused on developing and supporting an OpenSource Web-CMS for clans, guilds and other groups. It is also a discussion platform for its customers and a community to share modifications and extensions. The Project-Team is build up on hobby enthusiasts for planning, programming and design related topics. Our goal is to provide the best esport-related Web-CMS available for free and to keep its usage as simple as possible. Ingredients ClanSphere is written in PHP while it supports multiple database backends and webserver environments. With support for language switching (English and German already included), themes, templates, caching and a modular architecture it's maybe the most advanced Web-CMS for this audience. Following the "batteries included" philosophy ClanSphere currently consists of over 60 modules that will cover most of your needs. You may check our features page or demo to get a more detailed overview. It also cares alot about debugging and showing whats going on with a full featured debug mode plus execution details. Statistics With an average of over 1k downloads per month on SourceForge since 2003 its also widely used and a mature, but also very polished, software at round about 5 update releases per year. The software contains 100k lines of code which is shown by Ohloh Code Analysis. These lines of code can be splitted into 62% PHP, 33% HTML and 5% Others. Ohloh shows an estimated project cost of 1,000,000 US-Dollars (using COCOMO) and an effort of over 20 person-years. History The former name BXCP (be unknown clan portal) was used as this project was founded by hajo in November 2003 having its first release in December 2003. Main intention has been to allow more clans to get a dynamic website to present and organize themselves. Version control (first CVS, later SVN, now also GIT), bugtracking (Trac) and other collaboration tools where used nearly from start on to allow for agile, evolutionary, iterative and incremental workflow. As the project and its participants grew the name was changed to ClanSphere in 2006 to reflect what has been done and push the effort to a higher level. Future Later in 2006 first ideas for a general purpose CMS named CoreSphere came up, but this project is not finished as of today and its development progress is currently not public. After a few problems and canceled efforts only time will show whats next here, so be patient. |
Latest 5 Modules
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