
Probiere ClanSphere aus und teste daran herum. Demo

Antworten: 10
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Rock the board

Beiträge: 68
# Thema - 19.05.2009 um 17:30 Uhr
tag habe gestern abend rc3 installiert und heute sehe ich die probs
Wenn ich in der user nav auf home gehe bekomme ich eine weiße seite und ein fehler

Fatal error: Call to undefined function cs_html_table() in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/mods/training/users_home.php on line 14

in zeile 14 steht das

1. / 2. / ... 
<?php     echo cs_html_table(1,'forum',1); ?>

das selbe prob habe ich mit ts² viewer ,
wenn ihr jetzt sagt änder mal

require_once 'system/output/xhtml_10.php'; in require_once 'system/output/xhtml_10old.php'; um kann ich euch nur sagen funkt net seite ist dann garnicht mehr erreichbar

dann kommt das

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'system/output/xhtml_10.php' (include_path='.:/opt/RZphp5/includes') in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/system/core/functions.php on line 91

in der functions.php zeile 91 steht
1. / 2. / ... 
<?php   require_once 'system/output/xhtml_10.php'?>

ich danke schon mal für die hilfe

Zuletzt editiert von damaskus am 19.05.2009 um 17:32 Uhr (1x Editiert)
Jam2 ClanSphere Team


Beiträge: 3291
# Antwort: 1 - 19.05.2009 um 17:44 Uhr

Gruß/ Best regards

Nützliche Forumbeiträge/Codepastes: (Useful comments in our board / codepastes)
Template Switch for index.php
Board Navlist last posts

Edi: könnte man denn auch hier eine erweiterung einfügen?
Jam2: das web ist wie toyota.....
Edi: hö ?
Jam2: nichts ist unmöglich!


Rock the board

Beiträge: 68
# Antwort: 2 - 19.05.2009 um 17:46 Uhr
ich teste mal was mom ^^

edit : öhm ja

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'system/output/xhtml_10_old.php' (include_path='.:/opt/RZphp5/includes') in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/system/core/functions.php on line 91

Zuletzt editiert von damaskus am 19.05.2009 um 17:48 Uhr (2x Editiert)
Jam2 ClanSphere Team


Beiträge: 3291
# Antwort: 3 - 19.05.2009 um 17:50 Uhr
19.05.2009 um 17:30 Uhr - damaskus:

das selbe prob habe ich mit ts² viewer ,
wenn ihr jetzt sagt änder mal

require_once 'system/output/xhtml_10.php'; in require_once 'system/output/xhtml_10old.php'; um kann ich euch nur sagen funkt net seite ist dann garnicht mehr erreichbar

dann kommt das

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'system/output/xhtml_10.php' (include_path='.:/opt/RZphp5/includes') in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/system/core/functions.php on line 91

in der functions.php zeile 91 steht
1. / 2. / ... 
<?php   require_once 'system/output/xhtml_10.php'?>

ich danke schon mal für die hilfe

Mhm, das sollte ich auch mal lesen^^

wenn du xhtml_10 in xhtml_10old ÄNDERST kann der Fehler nicht so heißen( Behaupte ich mal)^^

Gruß/ Best regards

Nützliche Forumbeiträge/Codepastes: (Useful comments in our board / codepastes)
Template Switch for index.php
Board Navlist last posts

Edi: könnte man denn auch hier eine erweiterung einfügen?
Jam2: das web ist wie toyota.....
Edi: hö ?
Jam2: nichts ist unmöglich!


Rock the board

Beiträge: 68
# Antwort: 4 - 19.05.2009 um 17:57 Uhr
Debug auf der index
mehr... +-
PHP-Warning: Notice: Undefined index: last_archiv_day in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/system/runstartup/count.php on line 42

PHP-Warning: Notice: Undefined index: last_archiv_day in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/system/runstartup/count.php on line 47

PHP-Warning: Notice: Undefined index: rte_html in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/system/runstartup/abcode.php on line 9

PHP-Warning: Notice: Undefined index: rte_more in /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/system/runstartup/abcode.php on line 10

Error: /mnt/web8/40/45/51960445/htdocs/www/x/mods/count/navmon.php -> cs_sql_select - Unknown column 'count_mode' in 'where clause'
1) SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_lang, access_id, users_limit, users_view, users_timezone, users_dstime, users_ajax, users_tpl, users_pwd FROM xs_users WHERE users_id = 9 AND users_pwd = '2dd4b4785820712712bc21201311d6ab8f860e7a' AND users_active = 1 LIMIT 0,1
2) UPDATE xs_users SET users_laston='1242741323' WHERE users_id = 9
3) UPDATE xs_count SET count_time='1242741323', count_location='news/recent' WHERE count_id = 16474
4) SELECT options_name, options_value FROM xs_options WHERE options_mod = 'counter'
5) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241042400'
6) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241128800'
7) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241215200'
8) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241301600'
9) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241388000'
10) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241474400'
11) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241560800'
12) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241647200'
13) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241733600'
14) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241820000'
15) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241906400'
16) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1241992800'
17) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1242079200'
18) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1242165600'
19) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1242252000'
20) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1242338400'
21) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1242424800'
22) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1242511200'
23) DELETE FROM xs_count WHERE count_time < '1242511200'
24) UPDATE xs_options SET options_value='18' WHERE options_mod = 'counter' AND options_name = 'last_archiv_day'
25) SELECT categories_name, categories_id FROM xs_categories WHERE categories_mod = 'news' AND categories_access <= 5 ORDER BY categories_name
26) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT news_id) FROM xs_news nws INNER JOIN xs_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public > 0 AND cat.categories_access <= 5
27) SELECT nws.news_id AS news_id, nws.news_headline AS news_headline, nws.news_time AS news_time, nws.news_text AS news_text, nws.news_pictures AS news_pictures, nws.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_nick AS users_nick, usr.users_active AS users_active, usr.users_delete AS users_delete, nws.categories_id AS categories_id, cat.categories_picture AS categories_picture, cat.categories_name AS categories_name, nws.news_mirror AS news_mirror, nws.news_mirror_name AS news_mirror_name, nws.news_readmore AS news_readmore, nws.news_readmore_active AS news_readmore_active FROM xs_news nws INNER JOIN xs_users usr ON nws.users_id = usr.users_id INNER JOIN xs_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public > 0 AND cat.categories_access <= 5 ORDER BY news_attached DESC, news_time DESC LIMIT 0,10
29) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 22
30) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 20
31) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 18
32) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 17
33) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 16
34) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 15
35) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 14
36) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 13
37) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 12
38) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = 11
28) SELECT abcode_func, abcode_pattern, abcode_result, abcode_file FROM xs_abcode
39) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time > '1242680400'
40) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count WHERE count_time > '1242594000' AND count_time < '1242680399'
41) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count
42) SELECT count_num FROM xs_count_archiv
43) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_count
44) SELECT users_age FROM xs_users WHERE users_age LIKE '%-05-%' AND users_hidden NOT LIKE '%users_age%'
45) SELECT evs.events_time AS events_time FROM xs_events evs INNER JOIN xs_categories cat ON evs.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE events_time >= '1241125200' AND events_time <= '1243803599' AND cat.categories_access <= 5
46) SELECT ne.news_id AS news_id, ne.news_headline AS news_headline, ne.news_time AS news_time FROM xs_news ne INNER JOIN xs_categories cat ON ne.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE ne.news_public > '0' AND cat.categories_access <= '5' ORDER BY ne.news_time DESC LIMIT 0,4
47) SELECT war.games_id AS games_id, cln.clans_short AS clans_short, war.wars_score1 AS wars_score1, war.wars_score2 AS wars_score2, war.wars_id AS wars_id FROM xs_wars war INNER JOIN xs_categories cat ON war.categories_id = cat.categories_id INNER JOIN xs_clans cln ON war.clans_id = cln.clans_id WHERE war.wars_status = 'played' ORDER BY war.wars_date DESC LIMIT 0,4
48) SELECT war.games_id AS games_id, war.wars_date AS wars_date, sqd.squads_name AS squads_name, cln.clans_name AS clans_name, war.wars_id AS wars_id FROM xs_wars war INNER JOIN xs_squads sqd ON war.squads_id = sqd.squads_id INNER JOIN xs_clans cln ON war.clans_id = cln.clans_id WHERE war.wars_date > '1242741323' AND war.wars_status = 'upcoming' ORDER BY war.wars_date ASC LIMIT 0,4
49) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_messages WHERE users_id_to = 9 AND messages_show_receiver = 1 AND messages_view = 0
50) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_mail WHERE mail_answered = 0
51) SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country, users_active, users_invisible FROM xs_users WHERE users_laston > 1242741023 AND users_active = '1' AND users_invisible = '0' ORDER BY users_laston DESC LIMIT 0,8
52) SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_age, users_active FROM xs_users WHERE users_age LIKE '%-05-19' AND users_hidden NOT LIKE '%users_age%' AND users_active = '1' ORDER BY users_nick ASC LIMIT 0,4
53) SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_name, users_surname, users_picture, users_country, users_register, users_active, users_hidden FROM xs_users WHERE users_active = 1 AND users_delete = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1
54) SELECT banners_picture, banners_alt, banners_url FROM xs_banners ORDER BY banners_order ASC
55) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_shoutbox
56) SELECT shoutbox_name, shoutbox_text, shoutbox_date FROM xs_shoutbox ORDER BY shoutbox_date DESC LIMIT 0,40
57) SELECT votes_id, votes_question, votes_election, votes_several FROM xs_votes WHERE votes_access <= '5' AND votes_start <= '1242741323' AND votes_end >= '1242741323' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1
58) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xs_voted WHERE voted_mod = 'votes' AND voted_fid = 2 AND users_id = 9
59) SELECT voted_id, users_id, voted_ip, voted_answer FROM xs_voted WHERE voted_fid = 2 AND voted_mod = 'votes'

duRiel ClanSphere Team


Herkunft: Cambridge
Beiträge: 7300
# Antwort: 5 - 19.05.2009 um 19:03 Uhr
hast du geupdatet? sieht nach fehlenden sql updates aus


Rock the board

Beiträge: 68
# Antwort: 6 - 19.05.2009 um 19:36 Uhr
nope habe es installiert deswegen verstehe ich das ganze grade nicht so wirklich


King for a day

Herkunft: Colmberg
Beiträge: 306
# Antwort: 7 - 19.05.2009 um 19:55 Uhr

Mhm, das sollte ich auch mal lesen^^

wenn du xhtml_10 in xhtml_10old ÄNDERST kann der Fehler nicht so heißen( Behaupte ich mal)^^

probirs mal mit xhtml_10_old du hast den unterstrich vergessen zwischen 10 und old.

MFG The_Mumie

Meine Projekte... +-


Rock the board

Beiträge: 68
# Antwort: 8 - 19.05.2009 um 20:45 Uhr
post 3 bitte lesen the mumie dann hättest du das net schreiben müssen xhtml_10_old ;D ich install morgen alles neu keine lust mehr jetzt überall rumzufummeln bis es geht -.-

hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 9 - 19.05.2009 um 20:50 Uhr
da kann was nicht stimmen mit der installation, wenn solche notices bzw. solche fehler kommen. behaupte mal das ist nicht der rc3 download gewesen der neu installiert wurde oder war es doch ein update der bestehenden seite? wenn ja fehlt die ausführung der neuen sql update datei wie duriel schon meinte.

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here


Rock the board

Beiträge: 68
# Antwort: 10 - 19.05.2009 um 20:54 Uhr
wie gesagt ich install morgen alles neu mal schauen ob ich das prob dann wieder habe wenn ja hab ich nen prob ^^

Antworten: 10
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