Antworten: 6
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![]() Try to beat me Beiträge: 123 |
# Thema - 23.08.2007 um 23:14 Uhr
wenn ich mein avatar ändern will, kommt folgender fehler: Notice: Undefined variable: place in /usr/export/www/vhosts/funnetwork/hosting/frecherdodo/bxcp-0311/mods/board/avata r.php on line 145 Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: Read error! in /usr/export/www/vhosts/funnetwork/hosting/frecherdodo/bxcp-0311/mods/board/avata r.php on line 145 Notice: Undefined variable: place in /usr/export/www/vhosts/funnetwork/hosting/frecherdodo/bxcp-0311/mods/board/avata r.php on line 146[/clip irgendas geht hier bei mir nicht, das ist der code von zeile 145 und 146: [code] else { $size = getimagesize($cs_main['def_path'] . '/' . $place); echo cs_html_img($place,$size[1],$size[0]); } [/code] cs version 2007.4 edit 7^^: hab jetzt die 2 zeilen(die oben rot sind) gelöscht. jetzt gehts, weiß nicht, was die machen ^^, bilder kleiner oder so, oder schutz vor zu großen bildern.. debug: mehr... ![]() Warning: cs_html_vote - Function goes away in next minor release, use themes instead
Warning: cs_html_span - Function goes away in next minor release, use themes instead mods/bxcp/navglobals.php: cs_templatefile - File not found mods/bxcp/navtime.php: cs_templatefile - File not found SELECT options_name, options_value FROM bxcp_options WHERE options_mod = 'clansphere' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_lang, access_id, users_limit, users_view, users_timezone, users_dstime FROM bxcp_users WHERE users_id = '1' LIMIT 0,1 UPDATE bxcp_users SET users_laston='1187896618' WHERE users_id='1' SELECT * FROM bxcp_access WHERE access_id = '5' LIMIT 0,1 SELECT count_id, count_time FROM bxcp_count WHERE count_ip = '' ORDER BY count_id DESC LIMIT 0,1 UPDATE bxcp_count SET count_time='1187896618', count_location='news/recent' WHERE count_id='3328' SELECT options_name, options_value FROM bxcp_options WHERE options_mod = 'counter' SELECT * FROM bxcp_categories WHERE categories_mod = 'news' AND categories_access <= '5' ORDER BY categories_name SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT news_id) FROM bxcp_news nws INNER JOIN bxcp_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public > 0 AND cat.categories_access <= '5' SELECT nws.news_id AS news_id, nws.news_headline AS news_headline, nws.news_time AS news_time, nws.news_text AS news_text, nws.news_pictures AS news_pictures, nws.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_nick AS users_nick, nws.categories_id AS categories_id, cat.categories_picture AS categories_picture, cat.categories_name AS categories_name FROM bxcp_news nws INNER JOIN bxcp_users usr ON nws.users_id = usr.users_id INNER JOIN bxcp_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public > 0 AND cat.categories_access <= '5' ORDER BY news_attached DESC, news_time DESC LIMIT 0,8 SELECT options_name, options_value FROM bxcp_options WHERE options_mod = 'abcode' SELECT abcode_func, abcode_pattern, abcode_result, abcode_file FROM bxcp_abcode SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '111' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '110' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '109' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '108' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '107' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '106' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '105' SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users SELECT games_id, games_name FROM bxcp_games ORDER BY games_name DESC SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_comments WHERE comments_mod = 'news' AND comments_fid = '104' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bxcp_messages WHERE users_id_to = '1' AND messages_show_receiver = 1 AND messages_view = 0 SELECT users_id, users_nick, users_country FROM bxcp_users WHERE users_laston > '1187896318' ORDER BY users_laston DESC LIMIT 0,8 Main Zuletzt editiert von Dodo am 24.08.2007 um 00:32 Uhr (6x Editiert)
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![]() Wannabe poster ![]() Beiträge: 35 |
# Antwort: 1 - 07.09.2007 um 21:06 Uhr
bei mir gehts nicht durch das löschen :/ dann kann man zwar hochladen, aber die neuen avatare werden nicht angezeigt :( |
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![]() ![]() Medal of Honor ![]() Herkunft: Hamm Beiträge: 11094 |
# Antwort: 2 - 08.09.2007 um 11:40 Uhr
FM beim löschen ? ------------------ mfg Patrick "Fr33z3m4n" Jaskulski ![]() Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Wenn Du ein Schiff bauen willst, so trommle nicht Männer zusammen, um Holz zu beschaffen, Aufgaben zu verteilen, sondern lehre die Männer die Sehnsucht nach dem endlosen weiten Meer. |
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![]() Thread-Ersteller Try to beat me Beiträge: 123 |
# Antwort: 3 - 08.09.2007 um 18:41 Uhr
mSx- wenn du den firefox benutzt, einfach mal den cache löschen. und wenn es nicht geht, von der vorherigen version die datei hochladen. der fehler ist bei mir jetzt auch beim erstellen eines clans aufgetaucht, wenn ich da die bilder hochladen will. manno :( konnte ihn aber noch net fixen. hab auch ken bock jetzt.. |
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![]() Wannabe poster ![]() Beiträge: 35 |
# Antwort: 4 - 09.09.2007 um 12:24 Uhr
so geht jetzt, hab ne etwas ältere php datei genommen ![]() |
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![]() Rock the board ![]() Beiträge: 43 |
# Antwort: 5 - 01.10.2007 um 15:21 Uhr
Könnte mir jemand eine ältere php schicken hab keine mehr. |
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![]() ![]() VIP - Poster ![]() Herkunft: Barsbüttel Beiträge: 9411 |
# Antwort: 6 - 01.10.2007 um 16:30 Uhr
fehler ist in 2007.4.2 bereinigt ------------------ ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here |
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Antworten: 6
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