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# Thema - 28.04.2009 um 15:44 Uhr
Hi all,

I just have two questions which should be easy to answer:

1. how do I set titles for forum users? (like giving all of the clanmembers the title "|LGN|-Member" and mods and admins their respective titles).
2. how do I give certain groups of people acces to certain parts of the forum? (like giving all the clanmembers acces to the "|LGN|-only" part of my forum) without just setting a password for it.

otherwise I just wanted to say that I like the system a lot, it's not very easy to work with, but its very nicely customizable, which I love!
thanks in advance,

Webmaster, |LegioN|-clanmember

fUnK3r ClanSphere Team


Beiträge: 1656
# Antwort: 1 - 28.04.2009 um 17:29 Uhr
1.1 You can set a Clan-Tag for each person in the Clan.
Go to Administration --> Clan --> create a new Clan or edit an existing one --> write your |LGN| in in the textarea Clantag --> than choose the Position of this tag.

1.2 For the titles of the admins or mod or what ever go to Administration --> Boardmoderators/b] --> create a new Clan or edit an existing one --> in the form "[b]Rank *" you can create new ranks or choose existing ones

Grüßle Jo
><(((°> Son of God through Jesus Christ his Son <°)))><
while (!asleep() ) sheep++;

Antworten: 1
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