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Antworten: 2
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Beiträge: 2
# Thema - 30.07.2009 um 17:11 Uhr
Hello guys, first i don't know good german so i will use english sorry for that.
My problem is to update my clansphere version through sql databases which given in the new version of the pack but it always occurs some problem when i try to import it through my phpmyadmin.

it always goes like this:


ALTER TABLE {pre}_count_archiv ADD count_mode int( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0';

MySQL problem:
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{pre}_count_archiv ADD count_mode int(2) NOT NULL default '0'' at line 1

it doesnt matter which sql i chose it always says the same but other things seem okay, can one of you explain in english what i do wrong or is it something wrong with my sql database ?

SCHIRI ClanSphere Team


Herkunft: Hamburg
Beiträge: 5299
# Antwort: 1 - 30.07.2009 um 17:19 Uhr
you have to import the sql-files with clansphere:

system -> Database -> import




Beiträge: 2
# Antwort: 2 - 30.07.2009 um 17:38 Uhr
ok ok, i handled that and updated it really good thank you it was very easy.

Antworten: 2
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