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Antworten: 13
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Try to beat me

Beiträge: 122
# Thema - 12.11.2009 um 16:42 Uhr
also folgendes problem, wenn man einen artikel erstellt, dann klappt der abcode in der preview

wenn man allerdings sonst nen artikel aufruft, also über die view.php, dann klappt der abcode nicht.

wie aktiviere ich den abcode in der articles/view.php?



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 1 - 12.11.2009 um 16:51 Uhr
Der müsste normallerweise eigentlich klappen...
Hast du irgendwas umgestellt? Fckeditor?


Try to beat me

Beiträge: 122
# Antwort: 2 - 12.11.2009 um 16:54 Uhr
ne gar nichts

ich hab in der view.php aber auch kein "abcode" oder so finden könne beim suchen, in der edit.php findet man es schon

Zuletzt editiert von malice am 12.11.2009 um 16:55 Uhr (1x Editiert)


Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 3 - 12.11.2009 um 17:38 Uhr
Ok, gerade nochmal nachgesehen. Steht in beiden Dateinen drin (du musst nach dem cs_secure schauen).

Was genau geht denn nicht? Soweit ich das sehe dürften nur einge Features nicht gehen.


Try to beat me

Beiträge: 122
# Antwort: 4 - 12.11.2009 um 17:50 Uhr
alles was ich an text/pictures zum abcode zugefügt habe, wird in den articles nicht angezeigt



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 5 - 12.11.2009 um 17:59 Uhr
Stell mal bitte den Link zum Artikel und den Text hier rein, den du im Adminmenü unter ertsellen/ ändern drin stehen hast.


Try to beat me

Beiträge: 122
# Antwort: 6 - 12.11.2009 um 18:24 Uhr

der text +-

This here is a tutorial for all replay admins, and will explain how to add replays to our database.



  • Category:

Chose the caterogy wisely, i created the following categories yet (same for the 2v2 categories).

  • 1v1 intern: for all 1v1s between two members of Get
  • 1v1 offical: for all 1v1s between a member of Get and non Get players, in a clanwar or tournament
  • 1v1 public: for all 1v1s between a member of Get and non Get players, in a public or ladder game
  • 1v1 extern: for all 1v1s between players, who arent members of Get

  • Game:

Just select BroodWar, later when StarCraft 2 is out, of course we will add StarCraft 2 as game.

  • Version:

Enter the version of the game here, on what the replay was played. For example 1.16.1 is the current BroodWar version

  • Team 1:
  • Team 2:

Use the most known current aka of the players there, with clantag. If he played with smurf in the replay, notice that later in the information-box. Furthermore add his behind the name, like (T) for Terran, (Z) for Zerg and (P) for Protoss. If he had random, notice this again in the information-box.

For the case the replays fits into the 1v1 official or 1v1 public category, put the Get-member into Team 1.

2v2 replays are to be added like: Get.balls (Z) + Get.BaltA (T).

  • Date:

If possible enter the date, when the replay was played here. Probably it wont be possible at every replay, then it would be fine if u guess the date.

  • Upload:

Select the replay here from your hdd.

  • Mirror:

If the replay is somewhere else, you can just post the link here as mirror.

  • Information:

Here you can write a little description of the replay, if you wanna tell us in what tournament or clanwar the game was played, please place the information at start.

If the replay was part of clanwar, would be nice if you link this clanwar.

1. / 2. / ... 

is the adress of the clanwar. to link it you write:

1. / 2. / ... 
 [url=index.php?mod=clans&action=view&id=10]Get vs [flag=pl] [b]ZZZ[/b][/url]

10 is the id of that clanwar, in our database. it will look like this:

all the shortcuts, for the flags, you can use in

1. / 2. / ... 

[clip=you find here:]
eu = Europe Union
global = Global
af = Afghanistan
al = Albania
dz = Algeria
as = American-Samoa
ad = Andorra
ao = Angola
ai = Anguilla
ag = Antigua and Barbuda
an = Antilles
ar = Argentina
am = Armenia
aw = Aruba
ax = Assyrian
au = Australia
at = Austria
az = Azerbaijan
bs = Bahamas
bh = Bahrain
bd = Bangladesh
bb = Barbados
by = Belarus
be = Belgium
bz = Belize
bj = Benin
bm = Bermuda
bt = Bhutan
bo = Bolivia
ba = Bosnia and Herzegovina
bw = Botswana
bv = Bouvet Island
br = Brazil
io = British Indian Ocean Territory
bn = Brunei Darussalam
bg = Bulgaria
bf = Burkina Faso
bi = Burundi
kh = Cambodia
cm = Cameroon
ca = Canada
cv = Cape Verde
cf = Central African Republic
td = Chad
cl = Chile
cn = China
cx = Christmas Island
cc = Cocos Islands
co = Colombia
km = Comoros
cg = Congo
cd = Congo, Democratic Republic
ck = Cook Islands
cr = Costa Rica
ci = Cote d\'Ivoire
hr = Croatia
cu = Cuba
cy = Cyprus
cz = Czech Republic
dk = Denmark
dj = Djibouti
dm = Dominica
do = Dominican Republic
ec = Ecuador
eg = Egypt
sv = El Salvador
england = England
gq = Equatorial Guinea
er = Eritrea
ee = Estonia
et = Ethiopia
fk = Falkland Islands
fo = Faroe Islands
fj = Fiji
fi = Finland
fr = France
ga = Gabon
gm = Gambia
ge = Georgia
de = Germany
gh = Ghana
gi = Gibraltar
gr = Greece
gl = Greenland
gd = Grenada
gp = Guadeloupe
gu = Guam
gt = Guatemala
gn = Guinea
gw = Guinea-Bissau
gy = Guyana
ht = Haiti
hn = Honduras
hk = Hong Kong
hu = Hungary
is = Iceland
in = India
id = Indonesia
ir = Iran
iq = Iraq
ie = Ireland
il = Israel
it = Italy
jm = Jamaica
jp = Japan
jo = Jordan
ky = Kaiman Islands
kz = Kazakhstan
ke = Kenya
ki = Kiribati
kp = Korea, Demokratic People\'s Rep.
kr = Korea, Republic
kw = Kuwait
kg = Kyrgyzstan
la = Laos, Democratic People\'s Rep.
lv = Latvia
lb = Lebanon
ls = Lesotho
lr = Liberia
ly = Libyan-arab. Jamahiriya
li = Liechtenstein
lt = Lithuania
lu = Luxembourg
mo = Macau
mk = Macedonia
mg = Madagascar
mw = Malawi
my = Malaysia
mv = Maldives
ml = Mali
mt = Malta
mh = Marshall Islands
mq = Martinique
mr = Mauritania
mu = Mauritius
yt = Mayotte
mx = Mexico
fm = Micronesia
md = Moldova
mc = Monaco
mn = Mongolia
ms = Montserrat
ma = Morocco
mz = Mozambique
mm = Myanmar
na = Namibia
nr = Nauru
np = Nepal
nl = Netherlands
nc = New Caledonia
nz = New Zealand
ni = Nicaragua
ne = Niger
ng = Nigeria
nu = Niue
nf = Norfolk Island
mp = Northern Mariana Islands
no = Norway
om = Oman
pk = Pakistan
pw = Palau
ps = Palestine
pa = Panama
pg = Papua New Guinea
py = Paraguay
pe = Peru
ph = Philippines
pn = Pitcairn
pl = Poland
pf = Polynesia
pt = Portugal
pr = Puerto Rico
qa = Qatar
ro = Romania
ru = Russian Federation
rw = Rwanda
ws = Samoa
sm = San Marino
st = Sao Tome and Principe
sa = Saudi-Arabia
scotland = Scotland
sn = Senegal
cs = Serbia and Montenegro
sc = Seychelles
sl = Sierra Leone
sg = Singapore
sk = Slovakia
si = Slovenia
sb = Solomon Islands
so = Somalia
za = South Africa
gs = South Georgia and Sandwich Islands
tf = South and anta. French Lands
es = Spain
lk = Sri Lanka
sh = St. Helena
kn = St. Kitts and Nevis
lc = St. Lucia
pm = St. Pierre and Miquelon
vc = St. Vincent and the Grenadines
sd = Sudan
sr = Suriname
sz = Swaziland
se = Sweden
ch = Switzerland
sy = Syrian
tw = Taiwan
tj = Tajikistan
tz = Tanzania
th = Thailand
tl = Timor-Leste
tg = Togo
tk = Tokelau
to = Tonga
tt = Trinidad and Tobago
tn = Tunisia
tr = Turkey
tm = Turkmenistan
tc = Turks and Caicos Islands
tv = Tuvalu
ug = Uganda
ua = Ukraine
ae = United Arab Emirates
gb = United Kingdom
us = United States
um = United States Minor Outl. Islands
uy = Uruguay
uz = Uzbekistan
vu = Vanuatu
va = Vatican City
ve = Venezuela
vn = Viet Nam
vi = Virgin Islands (american)
vg = Virgin Islands (british)
wales = Wales
wf = Wallis and Futuna
eh = Western Sahara
ye = Yemen
zm = Zambia
zw = Zimbabwe

Useful abode here is:

  • [nickname of Get member] - examples:
    1. / 2. / ... 
     [hc], [thebeast], [rey], [silhoutte]
  • [hc], [thebeast], [rey], [silhoutte]

  • :race: - examples:
    1. / 2. / ... 
     :zerg: , :terran: , :protoss:
  • :zerg: , :terran: , :protoss:

  • :icc_rank: - examples:
    1. / 2. / ... 
     :icc_olympic: , :icc_a+: , :icc_a: , :icc_a-: , :icc_b+: , :icc_b: , :icc_b-: , :icc_c+: , :icc_c: , :icc_c-: , :icc_d+: , :icc_d: , :icc_d-:
  • :icc_olympic: , :icc_a+: , :icc_a: , :icc_a-: , :icc_b+: , :icc_b: , :icc_b-: , :icc_c+: , :icc_c: , :icc_c-: , :icc_d+: , :icc_d: , :icc_d-:


ich hab dir mal nen account auf unserer hp gemacht ,mit webmaster rechten. dann kannste vielleicht besser nachgucken

daten hab ich dir per pm geschickt

Zuletzt editiert von malice am 12.11.2009 um 18:30 Uhr (1x Editiert)


Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 7 - 12.11.2009 um 18:52 Uhr
Geht doch alles... Du hast nur anscheinend nen paar Fehler in der Synatx. Ein paar Clips gehen ein paar nicht (die, die du in php Tags hast). Da musste mal drüber schauen.
Abcode geht grundsätzlich aber auf jeden Fall in deinem Artikel.


Try to beat me

Beiträge: 122
# Antwort: 8 - 12.11.2009 um 19:09 Uhr
ne, die ganzen sachen die ich zum abcode (bei älteren versionen hieß er boardcode oder so) hinzugefügt habe, die gehen nicht

es gibt doch dieses ding abcode, wo man selbst bilder hochladen kann usw... all das wird in den articles nicht angezeigt, in der preview allerdings doch



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 9 - 12.11.2009 um 19:30 Uhr
Jo, jetzt gehts...
Da fehlte was im Code. Werd das auch gleich ins SVN für die neue Version packen! Danke.


Try to beat me

Beiträge: 122
# Antwort: 10 - 12.11.2009 um 19:32 Uhr
kannst du mir die änderung mal hierhin packen? weil vom svn hab ich null plan und würd das gerne auch bei mir ändern



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 11 - 12.11.2009 um 19:35 Uhr
Hab ich schon getan^^ Läuft bei dir, ich brauchte ja was zum testen...

Hier sind die Änderungen:

Zuletzt editiert von GaHero am 12.11.2009 um 19:35 Uhr (1x Editiert)

Try to beat me

Beiträge: 122
# Antwort: 12 - 12.11.2009 um 19:36 Uhr
jo super, danke für den schnellen support!



Beiträge: 733
# Antwort: 13 - 12.11.2009 um 19:37 Uhr
Jo bitte...

Falls es noch was gibt schreib mich an, ich mach dann hier zu!

Zuletzt editiert von GaHero am 12.11.2009 um 19:37 Uhr (1x Editiert)

Dieses Thema wurde von GaHero PM geschlossen.

Antworten: 13
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