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Beiträge: 36
# Thema - 07.01.2008 um 04:40 Uhr

es geht um folgenes.

wir haben eine Tree.php die so ausssieht

mehr... +-
// ClanSphere 2006 -
// $Id: $

$cs_lang = cs_translate('cups');

$cups_id = !empty($_POST['where']) ? (int) $_POST['where'] : (int) $_GET['where'];

$maxteams = cs_sql_select(__FILE__,'cups','cups_teams','cups_id = \''.$cups_id.'\'');
$cupteams = strlen(decbin($maxteams['cups_teams']));

$round = !empty($_POST['round']) ? (int) $_POST['round'] : 1;
$round = !empty($_GET['round']) ? (int) $_GET['round'] : $round;
$round2 = $cupteams - $round;

$start = empty($_GET['start']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['start'];

$system = cs_sql_select(__FILE__,'cups','cups_system, cups_brackets','cups_id = \''.$cups_id.'\'');

if ($system['cups_system'] == 'teams') {
$cs_sort[1] = 'sq1.squads_name ASC';
$cs_sort[2] = 'sq1.squads_name DESC';
$cs_sort[3] = 'sq2.squads_name ASC';
$cs_sort[4] = 'sq2.squads_name DESC';
} else {
$cs_sort[1] = 'usr1.users_nick ASC';
$cs_sort[2] = 'usr1.users_nick DESC';
$cs_sort[3] = 'usr2.users_nick ASC';
$cs_sort[4] = 'usr2.users_nick DESC';
$cs_sort[5] = 'cm.cupmatches_loserbracket ASC';
$cs_sort[6] = 'cm.cupmatches_loserbracket DESC';

$sort = empty($_GET['sort']) ? 3 : $_GET['sort'];
$order = $cs_sort[$sort];

$tables = 'cupmatches cm ';
if ($system['cups_system'] == 'teams') {
$tables .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_squads sq1 ON cm.squad1_id = sq1.squads_id ';
$tables .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_squads sq2 ON cm.squad2_id = sq2.squads_id';
} else {
$tables .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_users usr1 ON cm.squad1_id = usr1.users_id ';
$tables .= 'INNER JOIN {pre}_users usr2 ON cm.squad2_id = usr2.users_id';

$cells = 'cm.cupmatches_id AS cupmatches_id, cm.cupmatches_score1 AS cupmatches_score1, ';
$cells .= 'cm.cupmatches_score2 AS cupmatches_score2, ';
if (!empty($system['cups_brackets']))
$cells .= 'cm.cupmatches_loserbracket AS cupmatches_loserbracket, ';
if ($system['cups_system'] == 'teams') {
$cells .= 'sq1.squads_id AS squad1_id, sq1.squads_name AS squad1_name, ';
$cells .= 'sq2.squads_id AS squad2_id, sq2.squads_name AS squad2_name';
} else {
$cells .= 'usr1.users_id AS user1_id, usr1.users_nick AS user1_nick, ';
$cells .= 'usr2.users_id AS user2_id, usr2.users_nick AS user2_nick';

$cond = 'cm.cupmatches_round = \''.$round2.'\' and cm.cupmatches_id > \''.$start.'\' and cm.cups_id = \''.$cups_id.'\'';

$select = cs_sql_select(__FILE__,$tables,$cells,$cond,$order,0,$account['users_limit']);

echo cs_html_table(1,'forum',1);
echo cs_html_roco(1,'headb',0,2);
echo $cs_lang['mod'] . ' - ' . $cs_lang['tree'];
echo cs_html_roco(0);

echo cs_html_roco(1,'leftc');
echo cs_icon('contents') . $cs_lang['total'].': '.count($select);
echo cs_html_roco(2,'leftc');
echo cs_pages('cups','tree',count($select),$start,$cups_id,$sort);
echo cs_html_roco(0);

echo cs_html_roco(1,'leftc',0,2);
echo cs_html_form(1,'cups_tree','cups','tree');
echo cs_html_vote('where',$cups_id,'hidden');
echo cs_html_select(1,'round');

for ($x = 1; $x < $cupteams; $x++) {

$sel = $x == $round ? 1 : 0;
echo cs_html_option($cs_lang['round'] . $x,$x,$sel);

echo cs_html_select(0);
echo cs_html_vote('submit',$cs_lang['show'],'submit');
echo cs_html_form(0);
echo cs_html_roco(0);
echo cs_html_table(0);
echo cs_html_br(1);

echo cs_html_table(1,'forum',1);
echo cs_html_roco(1,'headb');

if (!empty($system['cups_brackets'])) {
echo cs_sort('cups','tree',$start,$cups_id.'&amp;round='.$round,5,$sort);
echo $cs_lang['bracket'];
echo cs_html_roco(2,'headb');

echo cs_sort('cups','tree',$start,$cups_id.'&amp;round='.$round,1,$sort);
if ($system['cups_system'] == 'teams') {
echo $cs_lang['team'] . ' 1';
} else {
echo $cs_lang['player'] . ' 1';
echo cs_html_roco(2,'headb');
echo $cs_lang['result'];
echo cs_html_roco(3,'headb');
echo cs_sort('cups','tree',$start,$cups_id.'&amp;round='.$round,3,$sort);
if ($system['cups_system'] == 'teams') {
echo $cs_lang['team'] . ' 2';
} else {
echo $cs_lang['player'] . ' 2';
echo cs_html_roco(4,'headb');
echo $cs_lang['match'];
echo cs_html_roco(0);

if (!empty($select)) {

$img_details = cs_icon('demo');

foreach ($select AS $match) {

echo cs_html_roco(1,'leftb');
if (!empty($system['cups_brackets'])) {
echo empty($match['cupmatches_loserbracket']) ? $cs_lang['winners'] : $cs_lang['losers'];
echo cs_html_roco(2,'leftb');

if ($system['cups_system'] == 'teams') {
echo cs_link($match['squad1_name'],'squads','view',' id='.$match['squad1_id']);
} else {
echo cs_link($match['user1_nick'],'users','view',' id='.$match['user1_id']);
echo cs_html_roco(2,'leftb');
echo $match['cupmatches_score1'] . ' : ' . $match['cupmatches_score2'];
echo cs_html_roco(3,'leftb');
if ($system['cups_system'] == 'teams') {
echo cs_link($match['squad2_name'],'squads','view',' id='.$match['squad2_id']);
} else {
echo cs_link($match['user2_nick'],'users','view',' id='.$match['user2_id']);
echo cs_html_roco(4,'leftb');
echo cs_link($img_details,'cups','match','id='.$match[' cupmatches_id']);
echo cs_html_roco(0);


} else {

echo cs_html_roco(1,'leftc',0,empty($system['cups_brackets']) ? 4 : 5);
echo $cs_lang['no_matches'];
echo cs_html_roco(0);


echo cs_html_table(0);


so kann mir wer sagen wie ich die nun in das Fenster mit reinbekomme so das man da rauf klicken kann hier zum tunierbaum oder so.

das soll dann hier mit rein

vielleicht hat da ja einer eine Idee.

würd mich sehr freuen!!!

so long XeVi
Fr33z3m4n ClanSphere Team

Medal of Honor

Herkunft: Hamm
Beiträge: 11094
# Antwort: 1 - 07.01.2008 um 09:55 Uhr
is fixed

Patrick "Fr33z3m4n" Jaskulski

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Wenn Du ein Schiff bauen willst, so trommle nicht Männer zusammen, um Holz zu beschaffen, Aufgaben zu verteilen, sondern lehre die Männer die Sehnsucht nach dem endlosen weiten Meer.


Dieses Thema wurde von Fr33z3m4n ClanSphere Team PM geschlossen.

Antworten: 1
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