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Mobbingpapst Wannabe poster Beiträge: 31 |
# Thema - 30.08.2009 um 10:10 Uhr
Hallöle, habe zum testen das neue CS2009.0.2 installiert. Damit grad fertig, setze ich das Team-Speak-Modul 0.5b auf. Soll ja das neueste sein! Lade der Anleitung nach alles rauf, füge die sql hinzu, gehe in die Verwaltung für Zugriff des Webmasters. Wähle jetzt in der Verwaltung das TS-Modul aus, will dann die Serverliste bearbeiten, sprich mein Team-Speak-Server hinzufügen, kommt folgende Fehlermeldung: Fatal error: Call to undefined function cs_html_table() in /usr/export/www/vhosts/funnetwork/hosting/mzg/mods/ts2panel/serverlist.php on line 14 Dieses Problem taucht nicht nur bei Funpic auf, sondern auf meiner Webseite auch! Also das liegt nicht an Funpic! Webseite: Modul: Gruß Mobbingpapst |
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palle Supporter Beiträge: 3073 |
# Antwort: 1 - 30.08.2009 um 11:42 Uhr
readme lesen oder eine forum suchen soll helfen... setup.php um folgende zeile erweitern: $cs_main['xhtml_old'] = true;
------------------ I like the part where it says 'nyan' |
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Mobbingpapst Thread-Ersteller Wannabe poster Beiträge: 31 |
# Antwort: 2 - 30.08.2009 um 15:23 Uhr
Die einzige "setup.php" ist im ....mods\users\setup.php Das hier ist der Inhalt: mehr... <?php // ClanSphere 2009 - // $Id$ $cs_lang = cs_translate('users'); $languages = cs_checkdirs('lang'); $data = array(); $data['head']['mod'] = $cs_lang['mod_name']; $data['head']['action'] = $cs_lang['setup']; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $cs_user['users_lang'] = $_POST['users_lang']; $cs_user['users_timezone'] = $_POST['users_timezone']; $cs_user['users_dstime'] = $_POST['users_dstime']; $cs_user['users_limit'] = $_POST['users_limit']; $cs_user['users_view'] = $_POST['users_view']; $cs_user['users_readtime'] = $_POST['users_readtime']; $cs_user['users_homelimit'] = $_POST['users_homelimit']; $cs_user['users_invisible'] = $_POST['users_invisible']; $cs_user['users_ajax'] = isset($_POST['users_ajax']) ? $_POST['users_ajax'] : 0; settype($cs_user['users_limit'],'integer'); settype($cs_user['users_homelimit'],'integer'); settype($cs_user['users_readtime'],'integer'); $error = 0; $errormsg = ''; $allow = 0; foreach($languages as $mod) { if($mod['dir'] == $cs_user['users_lang']) { $allow++; } } $cs_user['users_lang'] = empty($allow) ? $cs_main['def_lang'] : $cs_user['users_lang']; if(empty($cs_user['users_limit'])) { $error++; $errormsg .= $cs_lang['no_limit'] . cs_html_br(1); } if($cs_user['users_limit'] > 50) { $cs_user['users_limit'] = 50; } if(empty($cs_user['users_readtime'])) { $error++; $errormsg .= $cs_lang['no_readtime'] . cs_html_br(1); } if($cs_user['users_readtime'] > 50) { $cs_user['users_readtime'] = 50; } $cs_user['users_view'] = in_array($cs_user['users_view'], array('list','float')) ? $cs_user['users_view'] : ''; settype($cs_user['users_timezone'],'integer'); } else { $cells = 'users_lang, users_timezone, users_limit, users_view, users_dstime, users_homelimit, users_readtime, users_invisible, users_ajax'; $cs_user = cs_sql_select(__FILE__,'users',$cells,"users_id = '" . $account['users_id'] . "'"); $cs_user['users_readtime'] = $cs_user['users_readtime'] / 86400; } if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) { $data['head']['body_text'] = $cs_lang['errors_here']; } elseif(!empty($error)) { $data['head']['body_text'] = $errormsg; } else { $data['head']['body_text'] = $cs_lang['success']; } if(!empty($error) OR !isset($_POST['submit'])) { $data['data'] = $cs_user; $data['if']['done'] = false; if($account['access_wizard'] == 5) { $wizard = cs_sql_count(__FILE__,'options',"options_name = 'done_setp' AND options_value = '1'"); if(empty($wizard)) { $data['if']['done'] = true; $data['link']['wizard'] = cs_link($cs_lang['show'],'wizard','roots') . ' - ' . cs_link($cs_lang['task_done'],'wizard','roots',' handler=setp&done=1'); } } $data['lang']['datasheet_per_page'] = $cs_lang['limit']; $data['setup']['languages'] = ''; $data['setup']['timezone'] = ''; $data['setup']['view_std'] = ''; $data['setup']['view_list'] = ''; foreach($languages as $lang) { $lang['name'] == $cs_user['users_lang'] ? $sel = 1 : $sel = 0; $data['setup']['languages'] .= cs_html_option($lang['name'],$lang['name'],$sel); } $timezone = -10; while($timezone <= 12) { $zonename = $timezone >= 0 ? 'UTC +' . $timezone: 'UTC ' . $timezone; $offset = $timezone * 3600; $sel = $offset == $cs_user['users_timezone'] ? 1 : 0; $data['setup']['timezone'] .= cs_html_option($zonename,$offset,$sel); $timezone = $timezone + 0.5; } $sel = empty($cs_user['users_dstime']) ? 1 : 0; $data['setup']['option_automatic'] = cs_html_option($cs_lang['automatic'],0,$sel); $sel = $cs_user['users_dstime'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0; $data['setup']['option_on'] = cs_html_option($cs_lang['on'],'on',$sel); $sel = $cs_user['users_dstime'] == 'off' ? 1 : 0; $data['setup']['option_off'] = cs_html_option($cs_lang['off'],'off',$sel); $data['setup']['users_limit'] = $cs_user['users_limit']; $views[0]['users_view'] = ''; $views[0]['name'] = $cs_lang['default']; $views[1]['users_view'] = 'list'; $views[1]['name'] = $cs_lang['list']; $views[2]['users_view'] = 'float'; $views[2]['name'] = $cs_lang['compatible']; $data['setup']['view_type'] = cs_dropdown('users_view','name',$views,$cs_user['users_ view'],0,1); $mode[0]['users_invisible'] = 0; $mode[0]['name'] = $cs_lang['off']; $mode[1]['users_invisible'] = 1; $mode[1]['name'] = $cs_lang['on']; $data['setup']['users_invisible'] = cs_dropdown('users_invisible','name',$mode,$cs_user['us ers_invisible'],0,1); $mode[0]['users_ajax'] = 0; $mode[0]['name'] = $cs_lang['off']; $mode[1]['users_ajax'] = 1; $mode[1]['name'] = $cs_lang['on']; $data['setup']['users_ajax'] = cs_dropdown('users_ajax','name',$mode,$cs_user['users_a jax']); $data['if']['ajax_allowed'] = $cs_main['ajax'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; echo cs_subtemplate(__FILE__,$data,'users','setup'); } else { $cs_user['users_readtime'] = $cs_user['users_readtime'] * 86400; $users_cells = array_keys($cs_user); $users_save = array_values($cs_user); cs_sql_update(__FILE__,'users',$users_cells,$users_save,$account[' users_id']); if (!empty($account['users_ajax']) && empty($cs_user['users_ajax'])) { empty($cs_main['mod_rewrite']) ? die(ajax_js("window.location.reload()")) : die(ajax_js("window.location.href='index.php';")); } elseif (empty($account['users_ajax']) && !empty($cs_user['users_ajax']) && !empty($cs_main['mod_rewrite'])) { header('Location: ../../' . $cs_main['php_self']['basename']); } else { $account['users_ajax'] = empty($cs_main['ajax']) ? 0 : $cs_user['users_ajax']; cs_redirect($cs_lang['success'],'users','settings'); $cs_main['xhtml_old'] = true; } } Trotzdem ist das immer noch der Fehler, ich kann keinen Server hinzufügen. Gehe in die Verwaltung, TS Panel, Globale Einstellung//Serverliste: Fatal error: Call to undefined function cs_html_table() in /var/www/......./html/Test/mods/ts2panel/serverlist.php on line 14 Ich raff das nicht, Cache leer....alles getan! |
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Dennisen King for a day Beiträge: 377 |
# Antwort: 3 - 30.08.2009 um 15:27 Uhr
Lies doch mal meinen Beitrag im anderen Forum. Die setup.php im Root-Verzeichnis der Clansphereinstallation. Da wo auch die Datenbankverbindungseinstellungen gespeichert werden. Himmel |
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Mobbingpapst Thread-Ersteller Wannabe poster Beiträge: 31 |
# Antwort: 4 - 30.08.2009 um 16:18 Uhr
Verdammt......japp, gefunden! Grrrrr Danke Jungs Gruß Mobbingpapst |
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Dennisen King for a day Beiträge: 377 |
# Antwort: 5 - 30.08.2009 um 16:26 Uhr
Kein Problem xD |
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Dieses Thema wurde von sgraewe geschlossen. |
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