
Probiere ClanSphere aus und teste daran herum. Demo

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Beiträge: 6
# Thema - 23.07.2011 um 22:12 Uhr

Warum kann mich mich nicht unter SSL einlogen muss ich da was ändern bei meiner HP ?

1) SELECT count_id, count_time FROM cs_count WHERE count_ip = '' ORDER BY count_id DESC LIMIT 0,1
2) SELECT categories_id, categories_name, categories_subid FROM cs_categories WHERE categories_mod = 'news' AND categories_access <= '1' ORDER BY categories_subid ASC, categories_name
3) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT news_id) FROM cs_news nws INNER JOIN cs_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public = 1 AND cat.categories_access <= 1
4) SELECT nws.news_id AS news_id, nws.news_headline AS news_headline, nws.news_time AS news_time, nws.news_text AS news_text, nws.news_pictures AS news_pictures, nws.users_id AS users_id, usr.users_nick AS users_nick, usr.users_active AS users_active, usr.users_delete AS users_delete, nws.categories_id AS categories_id, cat.categories_picture AS categories_picture, cat.categories_name AS categories_name, nws.news_mirror AS news_mirror, nws.news_mirror_name AS news_mirror_name, nws.news_readmore AS news_readmore, nws.news_readmore_active AS news_readmore_active FROM cs_news nws INNER JOIN cs_users usr ON nws.users_id = usr.users_id INNER JOIN cs_categories cat ON nws.categories_id = cat.categories_id WHERE nws.news_public = 1 AND cat.categories_access <= 1 ORDER BY news_attached DESC, news_time DESC LIMIT 0,8

Zuletzt editiert von Goodlike2004 am 24.07.2011 um 11:41 Uhr (4x Editiert)
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