
Probiere ClanSphere aus und teste daran herum. Demo

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# Thema - 01.05.2012 um 21:05 Uhr
having problems uploading images, logos, banners, avatars ect ect...

getting the error

unexpected error occurred ; please contact webmaster

even went through administration and tried to customize image options with no luck. =/

i have the CMS installed on a sub-directory at

anyone know what could be the problem?

does a sub-directory have effects on the CMS?

could this be why i'm receiving Lag as well?

really wish i knew german, then i could have figured this out already through main support. but google translator, and digging through the forums has been quite a task.

any help would be greatly appreciated =)


Zuletzt editiert von trlxpro am 02.05.2012 um 21:17 Uhr (3x Editiert)
hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 1 - 01.05.2012 um 21:30 Uhr
you can activate error logs in the setup.php file inside the main directory where index.php etc. reside

set it to 1 so that it is enabled and save the changes to take effect.

errors are then logged and can be reviewed in "system -> logs" day by day. it shouldn't be that hard to find the error message that causes the problem then.

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 2 - 02.05.2012 um 21:27 Uhr
hmmm. error logs not showing up either.

keep getting unexpected error occurred ; please contact webmaster

i even reinstalled the cms on it's own domain as well..

i found a few things in System/Software tho

Open PHP like XML - short_open_tag - Recommended [off] Found [on]

Basedir restriction - open_basedir - Recommended [on] Found [off]

just seems something isn't linking up right between CMS, and Domian for me.

i can make a ClanSphere admin at if you would like to have a look for yourself?

hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 3 - 02.05.2012 um 21:45 Uhr
the system -> software page just contains some useful information. that might help from time to time, but may not in this situation as the settings you've posted shouldn't matter in this case.

there must be something wrong with the file / directory permissions, have you tried the debug mode using debug.php?

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 4 - 02.05.2012 um 23:04 Uhr
ok Debugged.

i attached an errorlog.txt for you to view at the bottom.

also contacting godaddy to make sure file/directory permissions are setup right..

seems cache is a problem in the errorlog

txt errorlog.txt (13.51 KiB - 22 mal heruntergeladen )

hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 5 - 02.05.2012 um 23:26 Uhr
it seems uploads/cache has not enough rights to write the file(s), checked chmod of that directory?

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 6 - 03.05.2012 um 01:20 Uhr
thank you hajo

simple actually.

even tho file permissions were set for CHMod correctly on my end, godaddy hosting tries to force CHmod away..

Godaddy users still have to go into hosting and [uncheck] Inherit and [check] Write.

if not, it lags the server down, and your unable to upload anything because you said yes to CHmod, an godaddy said No.

fixed =)

Zuletzt editiert von trlxpro am 03.05.2012 um 01:21 Uhr (2x Editiert)
hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 7 - 03.05.2012 um 01:23 Uhr
oh is that windows webspace running on iis webservers?

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 8 - 03.05.2012 um 02:03 Uhr
yes, and it took and hour to convince them that i was right. they blamed it on the CMS. lol

error logs working, banners & avatars working, directory problems fixed.

alot of Undefined offset & Invalid argument supplied for foreach() errors in debug tho

new error log file attached
txt errorlog.txt (7.8 KiB - 20 mal heruntergeladen )

Zuletzt editiert von trlxpro am 03.05.2012 um 02:06 Uhr (1x Editiert)
hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 9 - 03.05.2012 um 02:10 Uhr
have you cleared the cache using "system -> cache -> clear" after all errors where fixed regarding file creation etc.?

if this doesn't solve your errors there is something wrong with the banners-navlist, dunno if you use it. its that part that we use here to show e.g. the sourceforge logo.

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 10 - 03.05.2012 um 02:55 Uhr
correct, cache cleared.

i opened up the navlist.php and dont see any problems. maybe?

$data = array();


$picture = cs_html_img($go,0,0," style=\"margin-bottom:4px\""

and yes, just like the sourceforge logo, but allowed rotation =)
txt navlistdoc.txt (966 Byte - 20 mal heruntergeladen )

Zuletzt editiert von trlxpro am 03.05.2012 um 02:55 Uhr (1x Editiert)
hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 11 - 03.05.2012 um 02:58 Uhr
i can't see what causes the problem right now. from your log file it seemed that the loop of entries inside the navlist file is not working as it should be. are you still experiencing bugs on the site or is it "just" the debug mode that complains currently?

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 12 - 03.05.2012 um 09:27 Uhr
bugs are squashed. cms is hella fast now =)

debug just complains about the navlist.php now

error in : mod=logs&action=view&art=1&log=0

Zuletzt editiert von trlxpro am 03.05.2012 um 09:42 Uhr (2x Editiert)
hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 13 - 03.05.2012 um 11:25 Uhr
clansphere is even faster when used with a user cache, does system -> software list wincache as an extension?

for the navlist error i have no idea, could be due to ms sql server as its not used widely or do you run on mysql?

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 14 - 03.05.2012 um 20:23 Uhr
no, i dont have a wincache as an extension in Software. would be awesome to automatically dump the cache before .

yes, mysql.

is mysql the problem?

Database Type MySQL (mysql)
Storage Engine myisam
Database host via TCP/IP
Encoding utf8
Server Version 5.0.92-log
Client Version mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Revision: 308673 $
Name mloband

hajo ClanSphere Team

VIP - Poster

Herkunft: Barsbüttel
Beiträge: 9411
# Antwort: 15 - 03.05.2012 um 20:29 Uhr
no everything ok so far

ClanSphere - professional clan care starts here



Beiträge: 10
# Antwort: 16 - 06.05.2012 um 08:57 Uhr
thanks for all the help man..

appreciate it =)

Zuletzt editiert von trlxpro am 06.05.2012 um 09:31 Uhr (1x Editiert)
Antworten: 16
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