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microz Rock the board Beiträge: 86 |
# Thema - 06.05.2007 um 03:54 Uhr
it is possible to change the format of you complete the news? and that is less thus but: date with "." not ''-'' '' 22.05.07 news title' {news:navlist} and the same for upcomming wars '' 22.05.07 clan1 versus. clan2 '' {wars:navnext} and for last registered '' country; nick; date '' i'm very noob xD.... greetings |
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Fr33z3m4n Medal of Honor Herkunft: Hamm Beiträge: 11094 |
# Antwort: 1 - 06.05.2007 um 08:41 Uhr
To Change the Dateformat from "-" to "." edit /lang/English/system/comlang.php
Change it to
or whatever you will. To Change the Display Date without Time, edit /mods/news/recent.php
Change to
The Same at Wars: /mods/wars/navnext.php
Change to
------------------ mfg Patrick "Fr33z3m4n" Jaskulski Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Wenn Du ein Schiff bauen willst, so trommle nicht Männer zusammen, um Holz zu beschaffen, Aufgaben zu verteilen, sondern lehre die Männer die Sehnsucht nach dem endlosen weiten Meer. |
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microz Thread-Ersteller Rock the board Beiträge: 86 |
# Antwort: 2 - 06.05.2007 um 09:53 Uhr
thanks to respond , will prove and comment later xD ---EDIT--- I have a small problem in news:navlist, appears the date skips line and soon I title 10.10.07 title 10.10.07 title2 etc.... and wars/navnext.php I could not publish it, find the line not to change... navnext.php <?php // ClanSphere 2007 - // $Id: navnext.php 101 2006-07-12 09:36:29Z hajo $ $cs_lang = cs_translate('wars'); $select = 'war.games_id AS games_id, war.wars_date AS wars_date, sqd.squads_name AS squads_name, cln.clans_name AS clans_name, war.wars_id AS wars_id'; $from = 'wars war INNER JOIN {pre}_squads sqd ON war.squads_id = sqd.squads_id INNER JOIN {pre}_clans cln ON war.clans_id = cln.clans_id '; $upcome = "war.wars_date > '" . cs_time() . "' AND war.wars_status = 'upcoming'"; $order = 'war.wars_date ASC'; $cs_wars = cs_sql_select(__FILE__,$from,$select,$upcome,$order,0,4); if(empty($cs_wars)) { echo $cs_lang['no_data']; } else { foreach ($cs_wars AS $wars) { echo cs_date('unix',$wars['wars_date'],1); echo cs_html_br(1); echo cs_html_img('uploads/games/' . $wars['games_id'] . '.gif') . ' '; $name = cs_secure($wars['squads_name']) . ' vs ' . cs_secure($wars['clans_name']); echo cs_link($name,'wars','view','id=' . $wars['wars_id']); echo cs_html_br(1); } } ?> grettings Zuletzt editiert von microz am 06.05.2007 um 10:33 Uhr (3x Editiert) |
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Fr33z3m4n Medal of Honor Herkunft: Hamm Beiträge: 11094 |
# Antwort: 3 - 06.05.2007 um 10:49 Uhr
Change to:
i dont unterstand your News Prob. Will you the Date and Title in one line ? ------------------ mfg Patrick "Fr33z3m4n" Jaskulski Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Wenn Du ein Schiff bauen willst, so trommle nicht Männer zusammen, um Holz zu beschaffen, Aufgaben zu verteilen, sondern lehre die Männer die Sehnsucht nach dem endlosen weiten Meer. |
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duRiel Weltmeister Herkunft: Cambridge Beiträge: 7300 |
# Antwort: 4 - 06.05.2007 um 14:29 Uhr
hi! open the file themes/base/news/navlist.tpl with a html or simple text editor. remove the <br /> in line 3 to have the date and the headline in one single line. regards duRiel |
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microz Thread-Ersteller Rock the board Beiträge: 86 |
# Antwort: 5 - 06.05.2007 um 20:45 Uhr
thx, solve to everything xD. |
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duRiel Weltmeister Herkunft: Cambridge Beiträge: 7300 |
# Antwort: 6 - 06.05.2007 um 20:49 Uhr
alright /close |
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Antworten: 6
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