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In other news, insider Rory Lee Miller sold 40,000 shares from the firm's stock in the transaction dated Tuesday, November 8th. 3% through the third quarter, in accordance with its most recent 13F filing with all the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Sun - Trust operates primarily within Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Virginia and the District of Columbia. IFP Advisors Inc now owns 1,374 shares with the company's stock worth $109,000 after buying an additional 147 shares in the period. Deutsche Bank AG downgraded Ameriprise Financial Services from your buy rating with a hold rating and hang up a $112. Washington Trust Bank now owns 4,461 shares with the financial services provider's stock worth $195,000 after purchasing an additional 41 shares during the period. The county's obligation to offer the funds is contingent on financial obligations being met from the Cumberland Community Improvement District, the Georgia Department of Transportation, the Atlanta Regional Commission and the State Road & Tollway Authority. MD now owns 45,290 shares from the company's stock worth $1,378,000 after buying an additional 680 shares through the period. In related news, VP Colin Stretch sold 750 shares with the stock in a transaction on Tuesday, December 27th. 78 billion throughout the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $15. As far as ARMs go, 5 year rates of interest at suntrust online banking enrollment stand at 3. The new region will fall within the newly named Vice President of Operations Joe Waller. Societe Generale restated a hold rating on shares of Novartis AG inside a report on Thursday, October 27th. Finally, World Asset Management Inc purchased a brand new stake in Olin Corporation during the third quarter worth approximately $217,000. Kathy didn't disclose numbers such as just how much Sun - Trust has allocated for multifamily lending like a whole but says the lender still views the merchandise type being a priority, especially those wrapped into walkable, mixed-use projects in urban settings. Baird restated an underperform rating on shares of Sun - Trust Banks in a very research directory Saturday, November 19th. We also please take a peek with the implied vol for that Financials ETF (XLF), our broad based proxy for STI. Dean Investment Associates LLC now owns 7,904 shares in the company's stock worth $506,000 after purchasing an additional 100 shares throughout the period. Investors of record on Thursday, December 15th will be issued a $0. Microchip Technology currently includes a consensus rating of Buy plus a consensus target expense of $66. Following the sale, the primary financial officer now owns 108,788 shares in the company's stock, worth approximately $6,032,294. 80 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $0. The stock a trading level of 4,269,404 shares. 00 price objective on shares of Cardinal Health in a very report on Tuesday, August 30th. Deutsche Bank AG restated a buy rating and hang up a $19. Whiting Petroleum Corporation (NYSE:WLL) - Sun - Trust Banks reduced their FY2016 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Whiting Petroleum Corporation in the research note issued on Sunday. 14% of Lyondell - Basell Industries worth $44,629,000 with the end in the most recent reporting period. 50 target price on shares of Regions Financial Corporation and gave the stock a hold rating in a research set of Wednesday, September 14th. 40 million during the quarter, in comparison with analyst estimates of $560. |